This post is coming to you from, I think, the false summit of Sugarloaf Mountain, where I await my more intrepid hiking buddies. (Don't worry, I have the bear spray.) It's a lovely day, and the sun was pretty much directly overhead by 9am, which means we sweated through our shirts in about ten minutes.

On an unrelated note, I thought you might like to know I sighted the elusive bull moose(!). There were dozens of cars pulled off the road; I thought there'd been an accident. But wait -- everyone had a camera or phone in hand -- in a rush the fellow in question cantered across the highway and disappeared back into the woods.
I don't have a segue for this, but I want to share a picture of our party bus. It's situated a solid twenty feet away from the dorm to allow for raucous celebration without interrupting everyone's sleep. Or at least that's the idea. When a manager (rather lit) ran through the dorm berating us, room by room, to play corn hole at midnight, I wondered if it might be wiser to have a Quiet Bus for those of us inclined to unwinding with knitting and Sherlock Holmes audio books.
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