Monday, December 17, 2018


The vastness of the landscape neutralizes all urgency.  Our myriad bustling, to-ing and fro-ing -- like frenzied ants picking their way across an endless stretch of desert -- is diminished by massive volcanic mountain ranges, colossal glaciers, towering icebergs, entire frozen seas.

Ivan looms large until one remembers Mt. Erebus is 12,448 ft high.

We had a toga-themed day bar, to which one team lead wore a garment of cargo netting, and another fashioned a more typical bed sheet-type toga with cannabis print.  Awe-struck, I had several questions:
1. Where did someone find bed sheets with pot plants on them?
2. Were they part of a room-wide decor theme, or just a one-off?
3. Why did the owner decide to give said sheets away?
4. How did Tom make the brilliant decision to pair them with a bright yellow fanny pack?

My contribution to the event was determining the ingredients of the signature cocktail: an Alexander the Grape is equal parts red wine and gin.
Because I'm in a list-making mood...this week, mealtime discussions included the following topics:

- what defines a life well lived
- what is happiness and how long can one sustain a state of happiness
- how to make marshmallows from scratch
- whether or not you need to put on shoes to go to the public dorm bathroom
- that farts are always funny

Industrial skittles, guzzle the rainbow.

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